Sunday, February 10, 2013

An Arranged Marriage

The other night, as we prepared for our CNY feast on Saturday, Tonia and I started to talk about life and God, and whatever came to mind really. And she asked me,

How did you come to know God?

I paused before offering a reply. Growing up, my answer has always been that when I entered Youth Church, I sort of just grew into it, and that I don't remember an exact moment whereby I decided to give my life up for Christ.

I didn't grow up in a Christian home, but my mother brought me and my sisters to church when we were younger out of the belief that we would learn to be good children, and good people. I wasn't too into it at first and eventually stopped going. One day, my sister received and invitation to go back to church and as the eager younger sister, I tagged along. I remember her remarking in amazement that people were so nice and a lot of them still remembered her despite us not going for years at that point. I stayed in Children Church that first year, but what stood out for me was watching the amazing change that happened in her life. I saw how God moved her heart.

Then, a year later, I myself moved on to Youth Church and somehow.. I found myself growing and changing too. As I told Tonia this story, it suddenly hit me.

"It was as if.. it was an arranged marriage. I caught myself falling in love with this amazing God who never left my side."

God predestined me to be there at that time, I know that now. As I began to attend regularly and learn more about Jesus, as I went through difficult teenage years with Him, as I saw Him move in my life and experienced firsthand His overwhelming love, I fell in love. Simple as that.


Seven years down the road, and I have no regrets. I did not get bored with 'Christianity'. Instead, I got to live out what truly was.. a beautiful adventure. I have experienced His grace in my shortcomings, and His peace in my storm. He still continues to amaze me day after day, without fail.

See the thing is, when you really encounter for yourself the love of God, everything changes. I have heard that experience described as "finally living for the first time" and that is exactly how it was for me too. He is such a good God, and He loves my socks off.

And this is the story, of the very best thing that has ever happened to me. :)

Be blessed,

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