Thursday, February 19, 2015


In the morning hours before I even get ready for my evening shift, I started looking through my old photos once again.

I remember PNG, the joy of crashing Eddie's village for a night and meeting such incredibly beautiful people. I remember playing in the mud with children whose giggles never run out, and having the captain suggest playfully that I go up top and get hosed down. I remember telling a whole village that one night about how good my God has been to me. I remember worship nights on the aft deck, and sharing stories wherever we could find space to do so.

And I find my spirit craving it all once again, a new adventure far away, a new journey deep into the places no one else would want to go to, a new story away from the luxuries of life I have grown too comfortable with that I may be challenged to live on the more important things in life.

I think that aside from all that adventure, incredible people, God encounters and purposeful ventures.. one of the things I love best about it all is that I feel the most me when I'm there. I remember coming home after my first trip to PNG, feeling a bit unable to adjust back to the luxuries we have here, but more so than that, feeling more comfortable in my skin than ever before, knowing what it was that I was created to do.

Ahh. My heart is found dreaming once again, of the muddy village trails, more what's the time Mr Wolf, coconut sago and crab, little gleeful hands in mine, and a sense of life so abundantly.


Ah Papa God, I can't wait for our next adventure together. :)


And yet, if I could choose only one place where I would like most to be this week, without a doubt in mind, I would pick home, to spend the festive season with family.

Maybe that's how I know I'm growing up, moments with family are becoming more and more precious and highly treasured.

Happy Chinese New Year papa and mama. :) I love you both dearly!


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