Friday, July 28, 2017

Heartstring Tugs

"I told you so."


Just as a child running back into the arms of the One who loves her most, so have I been these past couple of days. Yesterday morning I awoke and out of nowhere thought to take a long drive back to one of my favourite places on earth - Fort Nepean. 

It was a Papa and dice trip I so desperately needed. From the moment I decided to get dressed and pack to go, I was allowing the quiet tugs at my heartstrings to guide me. 

"No not there.. not where you've always gone. This time, I want to show you something different."

"What an adventurer You are Papa."
"I know. I am."

I disregarded that little beckon at first, but the turned back, eager to see where He would lead me. It took a bit of an uphill climb.. but it led me right there to that breathtaking view.

"There will come times where you feel all alone on this journey you're on, but know, that I am always with you. And I will guide your heart and your feet, and I will always know how to lead you to where you need to go. 

Come up higher. View the world from a vantage point. See how I see things."

And oh the overwhelming peace and furious love that overtook my heart then. 

You'd think I know by now how quickly Papa can move, the way He soothes the raging seas and quiets my unsettled heart. It's signature. Over and over and over again in my lifetime, I have experienced in deeply personal ways how He would shadow me from the ache of life's uncertainties, patiently pep talk his fearful child and re-instil a courage - that my God is bigger still. 

My God is bigger still. 


"The Lord your God will fight for you. You need only to be still."
- Exodus 14:14

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