Monday, July 9, 2012

Blessed Be Your Name

Some of you may know that I recently made a trip to Papua New Guinea with YWAM for a short medical mission trip. I loved everything and everyone about this trip. And I wanted to share bits of it with you, my dear readers! :) Here are some extracts from my journal throughout the trip. Enjoy! :D

Day 1
I made it to the right planes! :) I write this now as I journey to the land of Papua New Guinea, and a peace, Daddy's peace is just washing over me as I listen to music and witness the majesty of His creation outside my window. The sight of the clear blue sky and the vast open sea really just takes my breath away with one thought resounding "Oh the majesty. How truly beautiful You are Daddy."

Firstly, praise God for favour! I managed to get in problem free with 9.25kg hand luggage. LIKE. Wow. :) Thank You Jesus for watching out for the little things too.

Thank You so much for this opportunity God. :) You are SO GOOD to me.

I fly now, with great expectations. I embark on this journey with great hopes, to see and feel God's heart for people I would not have normally encountered. "Amaze me Daddy, amaze me I pray."
And I hear His still small voice (that somehow also brims with excitement) saying - "Are you ready? Are you ready?"

Day 3

Looked out to the vast blue ocean this morning and was so amazed at how great our God is. And then I imagined this tiny ship in comparison to the humongous sea, I imagined us saying that we were gonna do God's work. I found it quite funny even, this comparison. But I realized, that this is what God loves. People who are so small and unqualified stepping up and saying "Use me God. I'll do anything."

Day 4
Lotsa mud today! WAYY LOTSA. :) But I loved it.

Today we went to church, took a dingy through this ulu river and trekked through mud to get into the village. I loved that I was in a village in the middle of Papua New guinea and that everyone was so happy and tickled to see us.

[Photo credits to Arvi - 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' ]

Church was this simple service with cute traditions. Regardless though, it was beautiful. It was a group of God's people that just wanted to come together and love on Him. I could just imagine God being SO pleased with what they had to offer.

The kids were so adorable too! LOVE LOVE the opportunity to be here. One of the little girls kept inching closer to me, from the tip of her last finger until she was eventually all wrapped up around me. 

Day 8
The past few days have been unbelievable. Running down mud paths in bare feet, jumping in puddles, meeting beautiful people and just.. realising that I actually REALLY am in Papua New Guinea.

Life is hard, but God is good. :)

Day 9
Today was such a good, long day, with a few main highlights.

1. Talked to Koivi on the way to Samoa today. He shared with us about his life and hopes for Papua New Guinea. I loved this conversation because of how pure and honest his words were, how genuine he was. He spoke of his family, the differences between city and village life, God's hand on his life, how from our work on the ship the people have been seeing God's love. 

"You begin with God and you end with God. If you're not in God's plan for your life, you're gonna miss out."
"But when I'm here, I look at God's creation and I KNOW that He is with me here."

This is what I LOVE about missions, the glimpse into a person's life and soul that is so different from the life I am used to, but beautiful beyond measure. As much as I enjoy making children laugh and running and playing in mud, this, THIS, is why missions has such a special place in my heart. My heart will always be for people and the wonder at this amazing life and its infinite possibilities. Even better, to see God so real in them. God is God, even in Pidgin. Or Koriki. Or any other language. 

I loved everything about that boat ride. Thank You Jesus for this precious time with such a godly man, for Your gifts are so precious to me.

[Photo credits to Arvi - 'Koivi']

2. The hike from Samoa to Ero. Like seriously, knee deep in mud, falling over with Janine laughing saying "I want to help you but I don't know how" - LOL, beautiful children who wash your legs, help you through the jungle, decorate your hair and who are just SO EAGER for love.. and a gorgeous scenery from Daddy too. I loved the worship music playing from an old school radio in the creek, how randomly awesome was that?

[Photos credit to Arvi - 'Washing It Clean' and 'Caught You!']

NOTE: Like seriously, Arvi takes the MOST BEAUTIFUL pictures. These are just some of them!

I'm often still filled with disbelief that I'm here, just seeing Daddy show off His beauty unashamedly. Oh I love it. It's quite tiring and unglamorous sometimes, but.. I love it so much. I was getting worried about what might happen next after this trip, but I felt Daddy say "Go study hard, be a doctor, and wait till I call you out again."

Day 10 (CLC at Kikori)
I love church here. Church is not a place. Church is a group of people coming together to worship Daddy. Even in the middle of Papua New Guinea, God is still great, and He is still sovereign. All glory to Him, for letting me sense Him here with me so powerfully too. :)

The thing is.. people are beautiful. :)

"Stop worrying My child. Just live each day well with Me. I am in control."

Day 12 and onwards..
There was this one night that I felt really sick. Rebs sat with me the whole time and kept praying, her faith is absolutely inspiring. Lynette was so caring as well, I felt so so loved! :)

Monday was Lalau and Ario, where I fell through the wooden floor. Tuesday was Ero, where I fell off a bridge made of bark. Haha, I've got so many battle scars and bruises! LOVED the mud experience on Tuesday, that was fun. Knee/thigh deep in mud to transfer boxes down a human chain, you gotta love missions. :) We nearly missed the tide and had to have people push the dingy out of the shallow river fairly far. 

Day 18
Sitting in the airplane now, I can't believe my 2 1/2 week adventure is over. 17 year-old me would NEVER have dared to hope I'd be where I am now. And that thought excites me, what, really, WHAT might my future possibly hold that I daren't believe for now? Just as was spoken over me, God's got more, and I KNOW it.

So what's next Pops? What will our next adventure together be? Thank You so much for this Daddy, and teach me I pray, to be faithful in the little things, in studying now and just glorifying You. Help me to hear Your voice more clearly, and to just love others extravagantly the way You do. I wanna be more like You Papa. :)

Can you believe I actually jumped off the top of the ship into a sea in Papua New Guinea today? Life's not worth living afraid. Make the MOST out of it.

I'll be back in PNG one day. I love it too much to not go back. Years later, I think that I will always look back and see it as where God began to unleash all He placed in me when He created me. I refuse to believe that these are the things I will only do in my youth, with great passion to do God's work. As Abraham and Moses had such powerful things happen in their old age, I think that I can quite certainly say that God's not done with me yet. Not even close. :)

That's all from my journals! For more stories, you're gonna have to hear it from me face to face! ;) I hope you were blessed by this post, and if there's one thing you take away from it, I hope it's that you know that your dreams aren't impossible. Life.. is so full of possibilities, and with God on your side, you're in for the ride of your life. You WILL be amazed by where He takes you if you're willing to cruise on the current of His will. Promise. :)

Mi hamamas,

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