Friday, December 28, 2012

Life On A Banana Leaf: My Two Cents

Being home this time has taught me much. As I roam the streets of KL, watch its people live their everyday lives.. I find my heart captured, captivated. I feel God opening new eyes in my soul to see His heart for KL.

I love this place I call home. 

Yesterday, my sister and I followed my mum to the heart of KL to fix some shoes, do cheap shopping and have one of my favourite nasi lemaks. I pondered the way of life most people have there, especially after meeting Pepsi, who was very skilled at fixing shoes. Life for them, was simple. You learn from others, develop a skill set, you work hard and you make a living from that. It was a way of life that eluded me to an extent, a way of life that fascinated me immensely for some reason. It was what drew me to and fascinated me about Koivi too.

And then we met the uncle who sold nasi lemak, who has been selling them even during my childhood. According to my sister, he didn't change a single bit. He is a very cheerful man, and appears very content to live life selling delicious food on the side of a street. Maybe he had other dreams once. Maybe this wasn't the life he intended to live at all. But then again.. maybe he simply made the most out of the cards he had been dealt. All I know is this, encountering his joy next to a busy roadside gave me a glimpse of what 1 Malaysia is truly all about.

Encountering KL itself (in stories for another day) has awakened a new calling within me, one that assures me that I will one day return here to watch change happen right before my eyes and hands, a change for a better future for all Malaysians. I still believe in that future. :)

As with many of my posts, I don't have a point to this. In every case, I write simply because I am compelled to share my convictions. I write simply to think out loud, and hope that maybe, just maybe.. these two cents worth of thoughts may inspire another person to dig deeper and dream even further.

Till next time,

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