Sunday, February 24, 2013


Yesterday, after a powerful time of worship, I wrote this in my journal.

"As children, we needed a lot of love to grow, and to be free to discover our identity. Not everyone may know that they are that blessed to have a Father in Heaven who loves them more than life itself.

I am who I am today because I am well loved by the King, because I have realised that I live right in the center of His adoration."

Some people often refer to me as sunshine, and tell me that I love people well. For a long time, I have known that I am able to be that person because of the love I have received from above all, God, but also the people around me. He reminded me of that again yesterday, and I felt so.. free. It's like, I'm completely free to find myself or grow into who I want to be because I have the love and support of my Father. I am able to give because He has given me much and I am able to love because I have received the most extravagant love from Him. 

 I am but a little girl who dances so free in this life as her Father watches in great pleasure.

I thought that was a thought worth sharing. :)

Also, this time last year, many people around me noticed the weight upon my shoulders, some through simple observation and others through spiritual revelation. It was not just me who realised the grave tiredness in my spirit. However, I am happy to say that this time around, things are so different. My chapter 2 is here, and it is already blowing my mind. There is this incredible joy in me that feels like it needs to overflow, because I can't contain it anymore. I feel constantly happy and grateful for the beauty all around me. God has been so so kind. And yesterday, I remembered the prophecy Pegs made over me at camp last year. This, God revealed to her about me:

"I see bubbles. In fact, I feel it, bubbling from your stomach. Joy is going to overflow from you. The Holy Spirit is going to fill you and overflow."

I am incredibly amazed at how much more true that word turned out to be than I expected. Like.. to the point where I have begun to laugh in worship. SERIOUSLY! All my Christian life, I have been the ultimate crybaby in the presence of God. When I feel Him in a room, my eyes become a broken pipe and I just.. cry, as I take it all in. Even Ying agreed and told someone yesterday that whenever worship began and you could hear someone sobbing, it was usually me. This year, something strange happened. I've begun to laugh when His presence overwhelms me. The joy just NEEDS to be expressed somehow. I've heard it happen to many people, so it's not that strange. Still, it is an exciting and fresh new experience for me!

And He said to me:

"Use your joy. I created you to love my people. Shine into the darkness. When people encounter your love, they will encounter Me."

Just.. wow. I am expecting a very amazing year, full of miracles and breakthrough and freedom all around. God is so good, and I know that He is up there saying "you ain't seen nothing yet baby!" Haha.  :) 

Will be keeping you posted,

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