Wednesday, October 6, 2010


:) i had a completely unproductive day today, and i felt like blogging, so i figured, ah why not, take the whole day to rest la. :P BUT THE DAY'S NOT OVER YET ANYWAYS! :)

today at Parkson, i was with my dad and mum for dinner la, and i asked my dad if i looked like i just woke up, all messy and stuff la. and he said, no, you look like you haven't even woken up. haha, my parents can be so funneee sometimes. :P

- i eat my veggies now! WEN SHI TAI KOR LEE will be so proud of me!
- i don't fight with my parents as much anymore
- i study now! :D
- God's been really real to me this year and it just makes me feel older somehow. :D
- my hair isn't messy anymore (yea this is a COMPLETE lie)
- and cause though i do all the above now, i'm still me. :)
and i think that the me from 24 September 2009 will be quite proud indeed of the girl she became this year. :P

today i was reading jeremy's blog and i found something so encouraging! :) thanks jeremy(if you're reading this)! there's just so many little blessings i have in my life lately, and it's amazing really. i feel so full, like my life is overflowing with good things. like today i was hanging out with my parents watching moonlight resonance for a while, and the tv people talked about how family matters more than money, and they told the bad lady to take the money, they're happy enough with family. :D hahah cheesy, but AWWW, it's so true! this year i have had so MUCH more of those moments where i stop and savour the joy of having things around me work normally. like when we're just sitting together watching tv, i feel so overwhelmed by this peaceful joy, that for then at least, there's no one more blessed than i am. there's nothing like family, really, and i learnt that this year. i think of my family and my friends around me, and i feel like i've never been happier. haha, i think that these people, well family at least, have always been around, but i've just never really seen and appreciated them. but love and you get loved in return, cool stuff eh! :D and then i think of the stress i'm going through now, and i feel so privileged to have these worries, so privileged to have study-stress, to have all the bad stuff in my life as well, cause these are bad stuff that amplify just how awesome everything else in my life is. somewhere, someone else wishes she could be worried about final exams, perhaps some dude wishes he had parents to argue with, and i am who they wish they could be. and i don't wanna be so silly as to not appreciate these blessings in my life now.

God really works miracles everyday, crafting them as easily as He breathes stars. for so long, i've been struggling with laziness, trying to study but always failing, and this week something happened. i just feel completely changed somehow, as if all the stress from my awful trials just pushed me far enough to start trying and trying harder too. and till just now, i thought cool candice, you're finally changing, but i realize such a big internal change could not have happened by my strength alone. suddenly the desire to go on facebook is like way way less than it used to be, and i crave studying a lot (STRANGE) and i can go for pretty long without the computer(just had to reply emails..:P) or tv now. :) PTL OMS! and i realized, it must have been God's work in me. He gave me a change of heart and attitude and perspective, and He does so subtly, incredibly. thank You Jesus, You're really amazing!!! though You probably already know that, lol. You never fail to amaze me by Your faithfulness and unending love for me. :D I LOVE YA LOADS DADDY KING!!!!!!

so i think that really, maybe what it takes to feel the incredible inexplicable wonder i feel, is simply to open our eyes wider, to practice humility and submission, and to surrender everything to God.

as college is coming to an end (12 days left togetherr only.. :( ), i reminisce a lot nowadays. and 2010 is by far, the best year of my life. there were so many things i got to do this year, got to have, people i got to know and become closer too, just 'so many' in this year la. i think of the taylor's musical and how many beautiful memories i got from them. i think of G8'S MAD project and remember just how amazing my classmates all are, and how huge their hearts really are. i am so blessed to have known them at all. :) i think of every birthday, every car ride, every lunch, every "why are we rushing???", every post it note we pass, every handwritten note, every stupid joke, ever prayer meeting, i think of everything, and i smile to myself, knowing where i belong right now. :D

"GUYSSSS, I'M NOT A JOKE OKAY!" (Teng 2010) ;P


because prayer meeting's awesome. <3

haha my parents are the adorable-est la. i remember all of us laughing and giggling when we took this. :P

cause we are sisters, and we stick together. :) *and we need new family pictures :D*

"My strength and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalms 73:26

with lots and lots of love,
candice 'big fat heart' toh

*ps: hahahha in case you didn't know, tohpooisim = bigfatheart in hokkien! :p byebye! study hard!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha HI CANDICE.
    mann u really inspire me so much.
    i wish i can have even half of your optimism and semangatness.
    even if you might not really feel so..
    but that's how you appear on the outside and that really gets me going on those dark, gloomy, rainy mornings
    i really love reading your posts man
    just so you know, i'm a follower! haha
    okok go study now XD
