Friday, December 24, 2010

spirit of Christmas

today, i was feeling quite bad that i hardly got any Christmas presents for people this year. and Christmas is supposed to be a season of giving after all. and i was thinking about how i could get some stuff last minute and all, but Christmas eve dinner at crisis home and an unexpected thank-you note from a dear friend really made me see things a little bit differently. i have always found that, a great pleasure comes from watching people open the gifts i have given them, to see the joy and gratitude in their expressions. but in the little things i gave, things i didn't even expect much in return from, things like time, love, encouragement, i received back even more joy than i had ever seen. and while i admit, i should have gotten more presents for people this year, i feel deeply joyful and blessed in seeing the little things i offered take root, and change lives, if only for a little bit. so i think my question now is, what kind of gifts are we treasuring today? material gifts can only go so far. i have been greatly challenged by the people in my Christmas this year, to give more.. of myself. to give more of the important things, to love others with the love of Christ. :) truly, it is more blessed to give than to receive.

and on the other hand i have learnt to be more thankful in.. well, life. i read this story recently, and here it is first..

Where’s Johnny’s Cap?

I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. —Psalm 71:14

A story is told about a family that went on a picnic by a lake. At one point, their 5-year-old son waded into the lake, stepped into deep water, and sank out of sight. None of the adults in the family knew how to swim, so they ran up and down the shore in panic while the child bobbed up and down and screamed for help. Just then, a man happened by who sized up the situation, leaped into the lake, and rescued the boy. He climbed out on the bank with the child, who was frightened but unharmed, only to hear the mother ask with irritation, “Where’s Johnny’s cap?”

So often we focus on small disappointments that cause us to grumble and complain rather than focusing on the wonderful things God has brought into our lives, not the least of which is His everlasting love and eternal salvation. When we complain about the small dissatisfactions of life, we’re asking, in effect, “Where’s Johnny’s cap?”

Paul wrote, “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18). We may not be thankful for everything that comes our way, but we can give thanks in everything. It may be difficult to be grateful when we lose our job or our health fails, but we can be thankful for the good that God has brought to us in this life and grateful for the life to come. —David Roper

yea.. so now very often i ask myself, why am i only thinking about johnny's cap? sometimes people don't give you the iphone or car you want, but in the bigger picture, they've given you so much more by being a friend. sometimes you don't get the results you want, but you have so much more, a family, friends, God. oh and not forgetting how often i can be so irritated by something small a person does, a little flaw, a meaningless mistake and forget the so many other good things they are, how much they have done for me. i learnt, that sometimes you take some, sometimes you give some. and we learn to see, that the little flaws are NOTHING compared to everything else. so this Christmas especially, let's not focus on just the material presents, let's give more love, more hope, more faith and be thankful for each and every good thing God has placed in our live. We are already.. beyond blessed. :) one of my greatest gifts from people this year is their belief in me, especially when i have lost all faith in myself. thank you. :) and joy! thank you everyone for all the joy you have brought to my life! :D

ooh i really liked this too! :)

Love and Mercy
Posted: 23 Dec 2010 10:00 PM PST
He…loads me with love and mercy. Psalm 103:4

It’s time to let God’s love cover all things in your life. All secrets. All hurts. All hours of evil, minutes of worry.

Discover along with the psalmist: “He…loads me with love and mercy.” Picture a giant dump truck full of love. There you are behind it. God lifts the bed until the love starts to slide. Slowly at first, then down, down, down until you are hidden; buried and covered in his love.

haha i'm feeling all fuzzy inside now. best Christmas ever. thank You Lord, for showing me what matters to You, for teaching me Your heart's desire, and for blessing me beyond what i have ever imagined. i love You Lord, happy birthday! <3 :)

the important things. <3

have a blessed Christmas!
candice :)

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