Sunday, November 20, 2011


"I sense that in your past, you've been called a dreamer."

A leader told me that at DNA encounter as she prayed for me and to summarize it all, she wanted me to know that the godly dreams I have, that I've always had, can in fact come true despite what others say. :) and that's awesome, and very meaningful to me. hahah, I didn't intend to share this at first, but as I placed my hands on the keyboard, that sentence resonated in my mind. i remembered the times people have smirked at the dreams I had (and still have) a couple years ago. I remember them agreeing with me, with more than a hint of doubt and cynicism. i remember the voices telling me not to as well. but that day, I was reminded that the greatest power and the strongest voice.. was on my side, encouraging me to acheive those dreams He put in my heart. Thanks God. and so I choose, to listen to the voice of truth. :)

Lately, I've been observing the people around me, especially in church.

I saw an old couple in honest embrace, both with their eyes red and raw with tears. I overheard the lady telling her husband about what happened at DNA encounter as she was shredding the paper with her sins written on them, as people laid hands on her there. I heard him respond with eagerness and love.
My eyes filled with tears at the beauty of their godly relationship, the love that was strengthened by putting their love for God first, and the powerful faith they had. I turned away with a little smile on my face as I wiped the tears away.

I saw a daughter hugging her mother at DNA encounter too, as her mother could not stop crying from the prayer spoken over her life, moved by the Holy Spirit. I saw the mother purposely get out of her seat despite the inconvenience to hug her husband after he was prayed for as he made his way back to his seat.

I saw a man, buff, brawn and intimidating, raise his hand to receive Jesus today. I'd have believed you if you told me he was a mob boss or something. Proof to me that no one is too big or too hard to be moved by God.

I walked a little girl down to the altar today because she was fearful of going alone. A complete honour that I would not have had if I wasn't serving as guest services today. Thank You Lord for reminding me how amazing an honour it is to serve You and Your people.

I heard Pastor Neil talk about his daughter and the love he had for her today. And how he likened that to the love of God, except that the latter was a millionfold deeper. Again, I was so moved by this that my tears overwhelmed me for a moment, before I wiped my eyes, fixed my shirt and got back to serving people.

I don't know what compelled me to write all these down, but one thing I know is this, I will NEVER get bored of watching God make people so so beautiful. I will never lose joy in watching Him move the hardest of hearts, the biggest of mountains. and I will keep reminding myself to never forget what an immense honour that is.

Be blessed dear reader, and in moments of discouragement, just look around even harder. God is everywhere. :)


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