Wednesday, November 17, 2010

how i turned 17

i think i had the best birthday ever this year, tho every year seems like the best birthday ever, but i liked that i felt so comfortable with the people i spent it with and i loved all the FAILED surprises too! so this... is how i turned 17, with some of my favourite people in the world. :)

it was prom night on the 15th of november. so by the end of the night, elena and mich were all, let's go to the lobby to take pictures! and we all went down and they started exclaiming 'wah!!!! so nice the lobby!' while i was already laughing to myself. what they DIDN'T know, was that the day before, lilian accidentally sent me a message intended for elena, that said, "my mum can drop me at the hotel, how big a cake you want ah? and should we surprise her there or at your apartment?(lilian didn't come for prom see)" like LOL when i got that, cause a few moments earlier, my mum just spoiled another surprise. so anyways, she tried to cover it up but... FAIL la. hahahahha! so there we were in the lobby when evelyn accidentally said, "where's lilian?" HAHAHHAHAHA, i was laughing already la, and tai kor was all, why you laughing arrr???? then i showed him lilian's message and he gave me the death stare! LOL. anyways, lilian reached with a box of cakes and they started singing for me outside the hotel. i was REALLY REALLY TOUCHED and HAPPY, though NOT SURPRISED. that made my birthday the best birthday already, even in the first eight minutes. :) everyone was scolding each other after that for ruining it, but i was still happy la, funner this way. :P

so we all went to sleepover at elena's apartment, stooopid guard don't let lilian park inside, made us all so angry. we reached at one something and after showering and eating our mamak food, which i was sent to buy because apparently only i didn't look like a 'prostitute' according to my mum, cause i had changed already, it was FOUR AM already. needless to say, we're all BEYOND sleep deprived. so in the morning, mich got a call from 'lilian' cause she went home for a while, but i could hear that it was a DUDE'S voice on the phone. it was SO FUNNY, when she put down the phone, she just put on her poker face and said "lilian says she's on her way." :P

so we went downstairs with all our stuff and waited at this closed row of shops apparent waiting for this really nice restaurant to open. LOL...... then we moved to a pondok by the pool where a few minutes later, the guys came with my birthday present(s)- including my FAVOURITE dim sum porridge and mango pudding. *HEART MELTS* so yea, the restaurant we were waiting for did serve AWESOME food after all! :P they also gave me this really cool photo album of all our pictures together, which was another semi-failed surprise. :P like a month earlier, mich took a picture of her computer screen to show me a dress she liked, and looking at it more closely, i saw a folder named CANDICE below. HAHHAHA, when i sneakily told them, she said "WHY YOU INVADE ON MY PRIVACY??? LOOK AT THE DRESS NOT THE FOLDER!" LOL, gotta love my friends la.

anyways, after that we went to pyramid for HUGEEEE wong kok birthday tea and then for megamind. i was extremely touched that everyone was willing to pay A CRAZY LOT to watch megamind with me since i really wanted to and it only came in 3D at tgv. so we all paid RM21 to watch it though i insisted it was too expensive. :') movie was really cute though, can hear everyone laughing now and then, which was very relieving. :)

and the highlight, was elena's HULKING. she's just COMPLETELY WORN OUT that she started 'sleepwalking' as we call it while she was still awake. at first it was so funny, cause she was BLUR LIKE CRAZY, but after the movie, it was getting very worrying already cause people ACTUALLY thought she was nuts. and that we were abusing her probably, by laughing at her. and she couldn't walk straight and all, so we kept worrying until sending her back to her parent's car.

then i spent the night with my parents, had esquire for dinner which was YUMS, and some cake which che insisted to buy. :) didn't eat any cause i was still feeling FULL and a tad unwell, but it was sweet la, them singing for me and all. :D

so yea.. so far at least, that's how i spent my seventeenth birthday this year. :) no pictures yet, but i had an INCREDIBLY MEMORABLE time, that i certainly will never forget even when i'm old and gray. :D i love you all so much lilian, michelle, elena, gene, wen shi, hsing hwa and adrian, and f course my dearest family too! :D THANK YOU GUYS! :)

and thanks to everyone else who remembered, i was really touched by all your wishes! especially sean and jeremy, you guys were really sweet! hahahha thanks LOADS!

candice :D

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