Monday, March 28, 2011

where do you draw the line?

"Majorities do not decide what is right or wrong. Your conscience does. So why should a citizen surrender his or her conscience to a legislator? No, we must never, ever kneel down before the tyranny of a majority."
- The Great Debaters

i love that quote! today in our pretty heated discussion in CBL, i was pushed to think about a lot of ethical issues regarding the abortion of a child with a genetic disease. and in a lot of the heated ethical discussions, the question is usually always, "where do you draw the line?" which of these would be considered a crime? murder, abortion, discarding embryos that carry a genetic disease. at what point of a life, is killing it.. wrong? and who are we really, to be the ones to decide a person shouldn't be worth living just because they'd have a disability? does having one make them that much less of a human? and i remember reading a story once about a couple who decided to go through with a pregnancy where the baby was genetically diseased like the mum, but they realized that if everyone who had the condition had never been born, that would have been such a shame(for blur people, cause the husband loves the wifee????).

i guess i'm coming to terms with the fact that i have strong opinions, and beliefs, largely due to my faith. i know abortion is wrong cause the Bible says do not murder, and that God has a plan for everyone. i know even people with disabilities deserved to be born because God loves everyone and knew them before they were even born. I know it's wrong to have sex before marriage, and that all things are permissible but not all beneficial. it's a bit hard i guess, being in a profession where my opinion will only be that much, my opinion. i can't force a woman to keep her baby when she doesn't want to, or fight for a person's life as a professional. it's just.. an unexpected challenge.

and i started thinking about this, what is it that makes us human? and i realized, as cheesy as this may be AT FIRST hear me out, the capacity to love and be loved. what make a baby human would be the love of his/her parents, and all the love he or she will eventually receive and give as a person. we all live to be loved don't we, and without that support of a friend, the love from our families, the kindness of a stranger, and above all, the extravagant unending love of our Saviour, what are we living for really? a good job? money? luxury? no way man.

so yea.. that's pretty much the thoughts bubbling in my head. as for life here, it's been getting better. i'm starting to find my footing, expanding my horizons a bit, and testing my limits. God's got something WAY BIGGER than i expected sending me here! :)

love LOADS,


  1. wahh. just read ur blog, n so coincident, it's pretty much what i've been thinking too. and that day, in church, we were discussing about euthanasia, and the conclusion is that, God gave us no right to take live so we should not, in any circumstances end one's life. pretty hard decisionssss.. =)

  2. lol yea! i just read yours after typing this too and i was like eh kum qiu keh! then i tried calling you but you never pick up wan!!! >:(
