Thursday, April 14, 2011

do it again Jesus

when people told me that conference was a MUST-GO, i was 'oh sure. okay, sounds nice. :)'. when people described how last year's conference changed their lives, i started getting more excited. but in no way, was i expecting SO MUCH of God in this conference.

i was a bit hesitant about sharing this so publicly at first cause it was pretty personal for me, but i realized God gave me a testimony, and i'm gonna testify. Coming here, i really believed my relationship with God was okay, good even. and then i started attending planetshakers, and witnessing firsthand the faith of a people that could do so much by the power of God. week after week i saw testimonies of people regaining perfect eyesight, doing excellently in school, hip deformity healed and so much more. how humbling it truly was being in a place where miracles just kept happening because God was moving. and then i came for conference, and last night pastor benny perez made an altar call for everyone who wanted to see God start doing unusual miracles in their lives, to start living supernaturally. and as soon as i stood up where i was in the balcony, i began to shake. to be honest, it was prettay scary. i just couldn't stop shaking, like from my stomach, and it was like spasms la. and i just couldn't stop shaking. i knew i had something to receive from God that night. and when pastor benny perez said to come to the altar, i ran! i was so eager to get there, to receive my inheritance. and i hit my knee jumping over chairs and there's this MEGA ULTRA HUGE bruise there now. heh. anyways, i'm running and i'm still shaking, and i come to a stop. and pastor russell takes over and starts speaking God's power over everyone, and man i felt it. twice i was gonna be slain, but i couldn't just fall backwards cause there were people behind me. and oh that was the worst feeling ever, feeling God's power and yet not be able to just submit, cause i had to resist, cause no one was gonna catch me if i fell and people would probably be hurt by me too. so i stood there, just praying still, for God to move in me. and all this time i was praying in tongues like never before, like it wasn't even my own voice, and it felt so so natural and powerful and just.. amazing. after everyone was dismissed, i was still shaking all over and i just couldn't stop, and josh came up to me and offered me a hug. and i started crying and shaking still and i heard someone say okay i got her, and once again the power of God just hit me and there i was, lying on the floor, crying. all this time service was over and people were leaving, with the house lights on, and there i was on the floor, just crying and hungry and reaching out to God, praying for His touch. and after a while, the sobs started to quiet down, and i stood up, but i just could not stop shaking. i was so so blessed to have had mei ying, ann ee and josh there, praying for me and supporting me. in tears i told mei ying that i couldn't stop shaking, and she said to me, "that's the power of God.". and it hit me that night, how crazy powerful my God is, my God who'd walk with me through darkness and evil, my God who'd help me get into university, my God who held my life in His hands. and that night, was supernatural indeed. :) and i didn't stop shaking until i went to sleep, all the way home to clayton, even walking into the house, i was just shaking non-stop.

today i was ready for more. much more. and worship today was just so good! and God's presence was so thick in that place, and people were being healed, lives were being transformed, and all i could do was stand amazed and praise all the more. when pastor russell told all those who were healed to give a shout out of what they were healed of, so many people lifted their voices in praise to our King. there was such joy in me that i had to express, such wonder that i had to give thanks for. and God is just so so good! i don't want to ever stop falling in love with You Jesus, and i pray that You'd do it again, i pray for miracles to happen in the lives of those around me, just miracle after miracle testifying of Your goodness to a fallen people.

thank You for Your new mercies each day Lord, thank You for love, for peace, for Your authority over sin, for Your grace, and for Your people. You never stop amazing me, all glory be to You Lord. :)

i'm feeling so SO excited for what AMAZING future God's got in store for me. from these nights i learnt, that when God calls me, i will go, i must, because i just want to be wherever God is.

"Church should be the biggest party on earth!"
- Pastor Russell

and if you're reading this now and you're in melbourne, i really want to encourage you to come for tomorrow night, the last night (i think!). Don't miss out on a night that could change your life, and absolutely, don't miss out on a God that can change your heart, forever. oh how He loves you.

learning to love like Christ,


  1. 'Learning to love like Christ' <- i like that, Candice!

    Teehee~ Take care over there!


  2. aww it's really nice to know you're still reading! lol, but yea, conference was da bomb! :) you take care too! done with exams already? if not, ALL THE BEST!

  3. Great testament Candice! I was there too, the Holy Spirit gave me visions of my life ahead.

    I love how Ps Russell said at the end "This is so much better than Good Charlotte next door.."

    Keep being a witness to God's power and sharing His love.


  4. Awesome testimony Candice!! :) Miss church so much la. And church camps where we can focus all on God! :)
