Sunday, April 10, 2011

one life to love

okay! here's my excited pack-ted post bout my weekend! :)

friday night i met up with...

.. for dinner and supper! it was so good seeing them again, or so i thought until i was neck-deep in insults. SCOFF. haha, but anyways, after really hot chilli in sambal malaysia and a good time reading michelle liew's letters, we decided to come back to my sister's place for supper. i baked them cookies! they helped. :P

they were YUMS! :)

then anyways, on saturday, me and my sister spent the day doing community gardening with sam's church City Life, at king's lake. it was one of the MOST rewarding and just good days i've ever had. :) so many testimonies came out of that day, and i mean really, all we did was garden and just because we did it with God, in obedience to Him, people were so so blessed by it, in return blessing us even all the more. the place that our group was assigned to belonged to a lady who had so much grief from the loss due to black saturday. and her house was just gone, all burnt down and the place had weeds and bricks all over. and so we got to work! :) even had an awesome barbecue up there for lunch, after which it was back to digging, pulling, wheelbarrowing. :) the lady that we helped that day was so touched and when we were gonna leave at the end of the day, she said that she was so blessed that we came to help her, especially since we didn't know her. and that the fact that we were willing to do so out of love, proved our God was real. :) it was really really heartwarming, inspiring and just heartbreaking too to hear her say such heartfelt words. sam said that what was so beatiful was that we're all running our own races in life, but just that we would stop a while, turn around and help this lady who has fallen down and cannot get back up again, that has given her hope again.

and then, by God's incredible hand among our work, He even planned the distribution such that this particular group would be assigned to a woman who was losing her eyesight, and would eventually lose it all i think. in this group, was this strong woman, who was completely blind, who went there to offer her help in weeding and her comfort. isn't God great, really? this lady that the group went to help was so so blessed and inspired by seeing christine(the blind woman) help her weed her garden, and that act offered her hope, and the strength to go on. this testimony really made me eyes water, cause of how God is so amazing and beatiful and wonderful that He'd arrange for this woman to be blessed by one of His warriors on that day, knowing it was exactly what she needed.

i then remembered this.
“'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment.And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"
- Matthew 22:36-39

isn't that all God has commanded us to do? to love God and to love people, if we would put that absolutely first, i am certain that we will be in line with what He calls us to do. i have been reminded of the power of just loving God and loving people, and watching the incredible miracles that flow from that. God is great and His mercy is endless truly. and i'm just so blessed to be able to know this, and have this conviction in my life. all i can pray for is that God would deepen my love for others and more so for Him more and more, and that He would use me for far greater things for His glory.

sam's lifegroup + me and my sister
i had so much fun with these people! they're all such nice people, and i am so blessed to have met them that day too. i hope i get to make it for sam's lifegroup one day! hahah. :P

the team i went with, everybody was just so awesome la. so funny too! at the end of the day, strangers had become friends, and there was water and chips and laughs being thrown around. :) thank You Lord for a beautiful, beautiful day!

me and my sister! edited by raylene, haha thanks raylene! :) i'm so glad i have her here with me, to guide me through being here and for being a figure i can look up to too. :) thanks che! thanks to you and sam, i've met so many people i don't think i would have otherwise, people including you two, who challenge me to be better, love more, grow more, and to never let go of what makes me me. <3!

today my sister and i followed sam to City Life too, and i like what the pastor said about what kind of God would follow His people into the darkness, the one thing He hates the most? our God. our God indeed. :) He not only followed us into it when we sinned to save us, He kicked its butt too when Jesus died for our sins! :D

oh and how awesome is it that i can run to gene's place in like 5 minutes from my sister's place to pass him stuff? hahahahha! :D

so yea, i had a pretty awesome weekend. totally looking forward to being a tutor now, i passed! :D i hope i have the time to juggle everything, but i believe i will. cause God's on my side. :) and the Holy Spirit will be with me to help me juggle and get through this, i have faith in this! and next week's planetshakers conference! gosh i am SO excited!! thank You God for arranging awesome possum friends that can help me get here to the city on time for the night sessions, and for my wednesday off too! thanks for everything God! i love You heaps! :)

remembering that all goodness starts with love,
candice :)

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