Friday, June 17, 2011

neither here nor there

but it's all good! :D

i've got much to look forward to from now, there's going home, malacca, and when i come back, there's the hubs, beautiful woman conference, tutoring, rural placement, indigenous health selective, dna, urbs, dance, and just a new season of challenges and joy. :)

in every season of my life, God is good. <3

here's something i wanted to do for a while!

PEOPLE I ADMIRE (and love) #4 and #5


this crazy woman. we became friends last year during all girls camp, especially being in the committee with miss sarah-annyongjenlee as camp commandant. and i know that camp is something we're both thankful for, cause we wouldn't have grown so close if it wasn't for that. i know our skype calls are rare, but they mean the world to me SAYJL! i love the way you always start our call or talks with, "okay what's new with you? faster tell me everything!". you're always ready to listen sa, and i find that so, so admirable. and not to mention, the amazing HUGEE heart that you have for people! i can honestly say that i look up to you berbanyak, and i wanna be more like you, in the way you serve with your heart and your life. keep shining your light to the world, it wouldn't be the same without you. and thanks so much dear, for being someone i know i can always count on, through good, gross and bad. it truly is an honour to be your friend missus!! absolutely excited for my HUGEE hug one fine sunday! ;)



this ugly man. hahahha nah, my hubs is real gorgeous inside out. you can be so so WEIRD sometimes, but you have been an amazing support for me throughout the past few months, and i think i can really honestly say i don't know how i would have gotten through it in one piece, still sane, if i didn't have you in my life! :) it is such a huge BLESSING to be able to do devo together, and share the stuff we learn, and call one another just to say a short prayer for each other and then say bye. i know God's got great things for you chrissy, and to hear of how your faith is growing each day and how amazingly God is moving in your life, it really inspires me. thanks for EVERYTHING, and for being the best (and only [real]) husband i've had! :) (not will ever have tho! CHOI!) Thanks, for not letting God leave me alone in melbourne, and for investing into my life so much. <3 LOVE YOU HEAPS babe, can't wait to see you and kick you and jump on you in melbourne soon! :)

thank You Lord for these two amazing girls, and i pray that You would keep molding them to be more and more like You each day. AMEN! :)

good night world!
candice :D

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