Monday, April 16, 2012

hidden beauty


That may just be one of my favourite words, if you read this often enough, you would have probably seen me express many things such. There are so many things, and people around me that I fail to describe in much else but simply.. beautiful. Not because they look good, but because of the heart behind what I see when I look at them.

Today, on my way to the city, I passed Oakleigh station, for what may be near my hundredth time. And if you've been there before, you would have seen the drawings of people on the walls. I never thought twice of it, and in all my time here, simply wrote it off as street art. But today, as my seat stopped moving right next to description of the artwork, I read what the artist(s) had to say. And it caused me to see something I never saw before. The drawings were people on top, but as your eyes gaze downwards, you will find the story of their lives at the base of each person. And I was so amazed, how could I have not seen that before? I stared in pure wonder and joy even after the train began to pick up speed and move away, hungrily absorbing story after story before it left the station. One day, I want to get off there, and just spend some time mulling over each drawing. Just another thing to add to my list of 'one days'.

When you look closely, there is beauty in everything. Many times, we pass by these beautiful things because we're too busy, or because we have simply stopped bothering to look at all. Sometimes, it's the world that makes us skeptical. Other times, it's our pain that makes us hard. Maybe, there are just too many who have stopped believing in a world full of beauty.

Don't. Because the world IS still a beautiful place.

I love these moments I get, where I see the hidden beauty in things. The moment something clicks in my mind, and I go OHHH. Like lately, I've been around people who I feel, are just perfect for each other. Like ten people off the top of my head that I believe can make five really great couples. It clicked in me, but.. not just yet for them. ;) I can't wait for the day they find that hidden beauty that I see. But who knows, I could be wrong anyways. :)

I look around, and I see so much beauty. May I never stop looking. May you never stop either, because it would be such a pity to live through life and miss out on the astoundingly beautiful things that were right in front of our eyes all along.

Be blessed,
Candice :)

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