Wednesday, June 20, 2012

All About Heart

Often, personal prayer is not enough. It has to be followed up with actions and genuine love towards other people.

BUT.. sometimes, it's the other way around. Today, I came across an old friend's blog, who spoke of such hurt and disappointment going on in life now. And I felt so upset to read that, and immediately considered writing a typical Candice email to encourage this person.

But it hit me.. my email would have been absolutely pathetic. At first thought, I figured, at least this person will know someone cares, but I eventually realized, that many people are probably saying this to my friend right now, people who pretend to care.. and maybe.. just maybe, I would be one of them. My words would maybe even appear absolutely hollow and intent on retaining the nice-girl image I so often portray. I think that lately, in light of events whereby I have resorted first to head knowledge before God's heart for people, that I've been extra convicted to watch my heart too, and ensure that I'm not doing things for others just because, or to gain a positive label. I want to do only what is beneficial to them, if it is possible and right by God to do so. 

So.. I've decided to commit to a new challenge, to pray for this friend constantly and lift him/her up to God. If I believe that God can do anything and that He listens to my pleas, then I can surely find the faith to know that God will send a more appropriate person to care for this friend of mine, and that He Himself will never leave my friend alone. Unless and until God calls me to reach out to this one friend.. I will keep this between me and Him.

It's difficult though, realizing the world's kinda a lot more broken than I thought. So many people are hurting and broken, and, if I feel heartbroken watching this? How much more pain must Daddy feel? :/

This is another one of those rather personal posts that I debate in my mind whether or not to post up before I do, but my intent in writing this is, well number one for journalling purposes, but also for you dear readers.. to question if maybe it's time for you to have a heart check too. Maybe like me, how people viewed you have been of greater importance to you than it should be. Maybe like me, you've got some things to sort out with Pops tonight. Maybe like me, you'll find that there's a friend of yours that desperately needs prayer. Maybe, like I hope to achieve, we can both bring glory to name of God and be taken deeper under His wings, and that much closer to having our hearts beat in sync with His.

See.. I learnt that at the end of the day, it's really.. all just about heart.


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