Saturday, May 4, 2013


In these past few weeks, I have taken a bigger interest in Malaysian politics than ever before. Today, I spent some time listening to the ceramah-s given by one man who promises change, and who is even more passionate for the livelihood of a nation than its rakyat. I watched in amazement as he effortlessly swapped between Malay and English, with a hint of Chinese and Tamil too.

It is a big thing for them to be riding on the raw hope of millions of Malaysians who are tired of corruption, dirty games and rampant crime. 

But I would rather live by hope than hopelessness, to believe in perceived naiveté that Malaysia will one day once again stand proud under the leadership of the righteous than to be locked away in a belief that these are the way things will always be

I wish I could be home to cast my vote too. Though my age permits me not, I will still stand alongside my fellow countrymen, believing, praying and hoping. The Malaysia I love, the one with passionate people, unity in diversity, delicious food, beautiful sights and so much culture, will prevail

It is time for Malaysia to rise again.

Biarlah semangat patriotisma membara dalam jiwa rakyat Malaysia.
Biarlah kita menjadi satu rakyat yang tidak lagi dibezakan oleh agama ataupun bangsa.
Biarlah kita bersama-sama menuju ke arah satu negara yang tegak, adil dan saksama. 
Biarlah setiap warga Malaysia berasa bangga sekali untuk dikenali sebagai anak Malaysia. 

Ini kalilah! Ubah sekarang! :)

And as I worry, about what things may be like, what the outcome will be, what dirty tricks may still be up the sleeves of the corrupt, I hold on to this:

"The Lord will fight for you. You need only be still."
- Exodus 14:14


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