Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today I encountered the public pain of an acquaintance. I wanted to say something, but hesitated with fear that my words would be deemed shallow and irrelevant.

And then I remembered a friend, whom when she first found out about my condition (by accident), offered to go for medical appointments with me and a listening ear anytime. We weren't even close friends at all, but she made the choice to step up to be a good friend to someone who was in need.  Though she was not the first person I would have gone to when I struggled, her one kind act which ignored the ideas of "we've never talked about such personal things" or "it'd be weird for me to offer" really did move me so. I still think of that today and feel extremely blessed.

And there was another friend too, whom I haven't talked to in years. After reading my earlier blog post, she sent me a Facebook message to show her concern and assure me that I was in her prayers. To be honest, I would have hesitated to say anything had the roles been reversed, simply because we haven't been friends in such a long time. I would have thought that it was okay for other people to say something, but that I didn't deserve to since I haven't even been there for her all this while. Not that I thought that of her at all, but I was very moved that she chose to ignore "social politics" or even guilt,  and just say something, even if it was just "hey.. I do care".

So.. why do we let such insignificant things hold us back from speaking life into another person's circumstance?

Why do I?

This I know, after encountering twice (even in simple situations such as these) people who would choose to love regardless of whether they'd get a harvest in return or not.. I cannot afford to be afraid to speak up and offer strength. There is so much more to lose when I don't speak than when I do, and therefore I would rather be seen as the friend that cares too much than the one that doesn't care at all.

If I don't speak light into the darkness around me, then who am I waiting for to do it?

Tonight, I feel challenged to love others more extravagantly. I feel inspired to never be held back by the fear of the opinion of others, but rather to step out in faith each time believing that something good will come out of it.

And I chose to share this here tonight because well firstly, I wanted to honour those two girls who loved greatly in their small acts. I was really really blessed by you two. :)

But more than that, I wanted to challenge you too, to be the change in your environment.

Say something encouraging if you see someone hurting, give when you encounter need, smile when the world is downcast before you and set a fire by your spirit that will bring light and warmth to all around you. 

The answer to a better world is YOU. It's ME. 
It's US, each one of us, doing what little we can every day. 

What it takes, is that we simply... choose.


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