Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ebb and Flow

It's an amazing thing for me to stop moving and see how much the world had moved with me. 

There are the major milestones most of us, if not all of us, have achieved in these past few years - leaving high school, entering university, living away from home, driving, first relationships, first jobs, engagements, taking steps closer to our dreams.. and then there are the minor ones I discovered too - wearing makeup, learning to cook and bake, travelling alone and dealing with bills.

Maybe this is but the mark of youth, that these milestones are many and close together, and that once we get married and have children, we will focus on their milestones instead.

I stop moving, because I want to savour this feeling of knowing that really, the rest is still unwritten.
I stand before a blank canvas, handed a paintbrush and many colours to work with, something I have come to realize, is an enormous blessing.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players;"
- William Shakespeare

Life really is moving so quickly around me. My sister is engaged to be married next year, the boys I went to college with are graduating in a year and applying for jobs, the girls I had sleepovers with as a young teenager discussing life and well, dreamy, nice guys, are in the midst of new relationships and the people I remember as children in my memories are pursuing their dreams and some even living them out already.

I don't know what my point is. Tonight, I am simply in awe.. at how life ebbs and flows, and while some things may live on in our memories, most moments are gone as we experience them, for there is no turning back in life. All we have, is now.. and then what lies ahead.

One day, I believe that I'll be in heaven with Papa and be able to see time like He does, and experience love and joy on a whole new level that is currently limited by my humanity.
But until then, I am so very grateful to live life as humanly as I do now, appreciating the moments for they are gone too quickly and being amazed in what little capacity I have to understand the truth behind our creation. I love that I get to love imperfectly, mess up, break little rules and experience all that within this context put around me.  I love that I get to watch the people around me do so too.

There's only one quote I feel is appropriate to end this raw post, something a friend told me would get me good marks on any English essay.

"It is the transience of life that gives it its beauty."

So true.


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