Saturday, March 6, 2010

beneath the tip of the iceberg

i've quoted this before, "when you look closely, people are beautiful". man, this quote has stuck with me for the longest time. because over and over again, i learn that lesson. it's funny cause sometimes, it can be hard to believe it too. people can surprise you and do things that touch your heart and the next minute just really be the opposite la. but i suppose, i gotta give them the benefit of the doubt. and life is lived best when we look for the best in others right? or if you can't find it, then bring it out. this year, i got the chance to know better and also know much better some people who i never really was close to before. like not even hi bye kinda thing. but even with someone that seemed so different than me, we found so much common ground. with someone i never really talked to, i could have a heart to heart with. with people i has kinda negative impressions about, i came to realize just how wrong i was about them. and that's just pretty amazing cause at the end of the day, when you look closely, people are beautiful. sure everyone has their flaws but maybe it's up to us, to train our eyes and hearts to look beyond those flaws and find that good in everyone. i believe everyone has some good in them, like watching glee right, sue is the perfect example. gosh she is so annoying, but seeing her with her sister that one episode, (her sister had Down's syndrome i think), i found it really touching lor. hahah bit sidetrack but that was the first time i noticed sue's really pretty too. and it's so wonderful to know that people are really amazing. =)

currently listening to james morrison's 'broken strings'. its a great song! =)

another thought struck me recently,what is it like to be blind? when i was young i used to pretend i was blind and close my eyes to walk up and down the stairs holding the railing and stuff. and it is way scary. i'm quite a scaredy-cat wan la, and to live in total darkness must be horrible. to never see eagles flying in the sky(always makes me happy), to see people laughing, to see colour and beauty and just everything. what must that be like? people say that if you are lacking one sense, your other senses are usually stronger. does that mean that blind people can hear music and appreciate it so much more? or taste food and savour every bite? or smell flowers and know without a doubt that our world is beautiful? and most of all, can they feel with their hearts all the more that they don't need sight to know that people are beautiful? i'm just astounded by the courage that they possess, especially since they have no other choice but to live with this disability. the courage to live on despite it, not wasting time to self pity and living life to its fullest? and if there are people like them in this world, so strong, so brave, so different, why can't i be like that too? people often say that they just don't have the courage, but the scary part is that courage is not the absence of fear, it's a choice to do something more important than fear. or laziness for that matter. but isn't it so amazing that we possess the ability to do great things? that we have the beauty of God in us, making us capable of really living, doing great things, if we would choose to, and then not back down.

oh, and there are two mushrooms in my garden! they're small, scary and have small beetles and ants all over it. like ewww.

i miss sweating like crazy. like from ballet or jogging, both of which i haven't done in really long. i remember i used to be really proud if i am completely red and tired and sweaty after ballet, shows i worked hard! =P and i just miss jogging, the joy you feel when you finally see the finish line, the hanging in there and yea.. annabella diong, jogging, friday!!! =D hopefully it works out, i really need exercise!

anyways, i have futsal moro! totally looking forward to that, and i'm sleepy already. probably gonna crash soon unless i can muster up enough strength to get some homework done first. =P till next time, hugs and kisses!

i like this picture. =)

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