Wednesday, December 9, 2009

in my skin

some days i feel like i can't stand to be me anymore.. like i wanna be someone else, because seeing the world through my eyes becomes pretty boring. life is never the exact same thing for any two ppl, no two paths the same and i find that really incredible. what life like through someone else's eyes? i feel like life that God created has so much to offer, even if we are a fallen world. what is the meaning of life to the quiet girl? the athlete? the rockstar? imagine if i could be everyone, to have a taste of everything life has to offer. how cool would that be, if you get what i mean?

but then i realize, that God made each of us special.the very fact that no two lives are exactly the same makes us value life so much more. i believe that God has a plan for my life, that this is the path i was meant to take. sidetrack:isn't it so amazing that we have a God that cares and loves us to that extreme? and i realized too, that if you're not happy with where you are in your life, you have no one to blame but you. "we were meant to live, not survive."-the gift, cecelia ahern. i get scared alot, at the fact that you CAN do anything. the opportunities in life are so vast, i can be whoever i like. and at the same time, every moment i spend worrying, i waste time. seconds, minutes, hours go by and i'm still not who i want to be.

i guess my point is, be who you always wanted to be. seize the moment. don't regret your life when you're 80.
don't give up yet. =)

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