Saturday, May 1, 2010

living life in beautiful moments

so, i just came back from the last show of 'a night on broadway' and i have so many things to say about it! it was so fabulous and i'm just really full of joy and awwws now.
haha i can't decide to write what i learnt or my awws first. hahha! better write down before i forget what to say.

well first off, thank you vivian, pck, wen yin, dianne, lilian, yng yng, james, levina and kathleen AND of course, daddy mummy and grace che for coming to the show! i really appreciate the effort and you guys rock la! =D and also to the fantabulous pris and gene who wanted to come but couldn't make it, i love yall!!! =D

to everyone involved in the show,
you guys really are amazing! i think my favourite times were the energizers where we would dance to all kinds of music and see veronica rap and people taking photos and jumping and screaming "one, we are performers! two, a little bit louder! three, i still can't hear you! four, more, more more!" i remember pausing during one energizer session and just looking at everyone doing their stuff, grooving, makeuping, crazying and i remember feeling so content and thankful for the chance to be a part of this musical and meet so many incredible people. and i wanted to say how we've come so far! during the first like month and a half of practices i was super shy and uber quiet. like emelyn was my only buddy but now everyone's hugging and dancing and crying together, and it amazes me so that bonds can be formed so easily in a sense. and once again, i learnt the lesson that people are beautiful when you look closely. i have so much to express but no words left, and i've said this so many times, but i really do love you ALL! you guys are incredible and i really have been blessed to have known you all. =) thanks too to the lecturers behind this, you have given us so much and there's no way we can ever possibly repay you for this wonderful opportunity.
i wanna post a group photo, but they're all in frank's camera, will upload here once it's facebooked! here are some other pictures i got today....

i also learnt...
don't think bout what you can't do, but instead about what you can.
don't think about what you don't have, but instead about what you do have.
and that makes all the difference. =)

gosh i've been so emo lately, cause all the 'endings' are happening at the same time. ish. but aww.

and... most fabulously, thank you to ivan, anna, michelle, elena, wen shi and calvin for their unbelievable support! haha during fame, mich kept screaming and i couldn't stop smiling once i saw the rainbow sign with my name on it that she held up. i was so touched man! and they kept screaming throughout the show and it was so sweet cause i was uber discouraged with the crowd's response during the afternoon show. so many cast members kept telling me how awesome and supportive you guys are and kept thanking you for lifting everyone's spirits and talking bout you people. lol, gosh, i'm at a loss for words la! but still guys, you are amazing and i already said this to you and on facebook, but here it goes again, you make my life colourful! thank you for the beautiful sunflower that anna passed to me on stage during beat, haha, it was so unexpected wey!!!! =) i lub u ppl!
you know how some moments pass, yet you just know it will remain with you always? these are the beautiful moments in life and maybe life's all about these moments, times where people go the extra mile to make you happy, where everyone's in such a perfect state of joy and awesomeness and just yea, i really will remember this always. in my life, i feel like *this is quite embarassing la*, i always imagined very highly of people(?), like you texted me something bad but i'd imagine you were lying and gonna make some surprise or something, and it never came true, cause i just have a crazy imagination la. and i guess along the way, i stopped doing it, i stopped hoping for more and tried contentment with what i had. and that is right, but for the first time in my life, people did more for me than i ever expected they would and the feeling is so amazing. thank you for the fantabulisticable effort.=D =D

and last but most importantly, thank You God, for everything. none of this could have happened without You. =)

with all my love,

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