Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts About: Alcohol

As I headed to my sister's place tonight, I passed a couple of people who looked a bit drunk. I remember now the time I was at Huntingdale station late one night also, and there was a drunk group of people, one of whom was peeing on the Huntingdale Station sign.

I made up my mind last year to never drink alcohol again, but for funnier reasons that those I hold to now. At my sister's Architectural Graduate Exhibit, it was so hot and I was so thirsty that I downed a glass of champagne because it was the only drink I could find. I got this MASSIVE headache afterwards, and it just felt so stinkin' horrible. I had to walk with a long umbrella and Alicia had to make sure I didn't die or something. It's quite funny now, looking back I suppose. But since then, I decided to never again drink alcohol, and also cause it tastes awful to me too.

At the previous discipleship, all planetUNI leaders were required(?)/mandated to not drink alcohol by Pastor Rudy. He said that God had revealed to him years ago the dangers of alcohol and thus he put that same expectation on his leaders. He knew what it could do to teenagers, and how badly it could turn their lives around.

Thinking about that as I walked back to my sister's place, I realized how much alcohol can destruct a person's life, How it has robbed so many of precious relationships with loved ones, of money, of futures, how a person can be driven to want to live life from drink to drink for the feeling of ecstasy. I think about all the little things I find joy in, and how I've been stoned out of my mind happy for no reason and under no influence of such substances. Except maybe bubblegum ice cream. :P Why drink alcohol for pleasure, when there is fullness of joy in the Lord and His people? I made a stand a few months ago, and I'm gonna stick to it. I don't intend to force this on any of my readers, but I have decided that I will not so easily succumb to an entity that has stolen the lives of so many by temptation. I will not give the devil that one inch in my life, in case it becomes something he can use to overtake my soul completely.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to post this either, and I know that it is a somewhat controversial topic too. But to shorten a long story, there's a part of me that is unsure if I may stumble sometime in the future. I've never been as passionate for God, life and people as I am now. Prayerfully, my heart for such things will only grow more and more with each day. But should I trip one day and lose my way, I'll have these words, from the heart of a passionate teenager, determined to follow God's call upon her life to do great things for His kingdom. I pray I never have to look back with conviction, but instead with pride and peace. :)

"Mine is Keep Calm and Carry On. Popsy's is Keep Calm and Drink Tea.
What about me?
Never Calm Down."
- Chat with Ern Ying

Be blessed, and thanks for reading! <3

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