Thursday, May 31, 2012

What If?

Last year I often wondered what life would have been like had I stayed in Malaysia. For this year, I think that this is the first time I'm wondering it once more.

Listening to an update from a friend today made me realize how much I've missed out in being a busy bee here in Melbourne. Not to mention the amazing All Girls Camp 2012 pictures up on Facebook. If I had stayed.. how different would my life have been?

Truth is, I don't know, and I probably never will. I've learnt so much here that I never would have at home, but.. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too. I suppose, that my heart will always be torn between Melbourne and Malaysia. I remember the fears I had when I first stepped off that plane into a whole new world last year, how they have, for the most part, disappeared. I don't really know what I'm saying actually. Haha. This is just the me that misses home and all its people.

But, I am still extremely thankful for the chance to be here at all, to God, and my parents. God, just as we learnt yesterday, may I never compare my race to another and learn to just keep my eyes on You all the way. And to appreciate every single bit of beauty You bring my way in this journey.

I'm feeling pretty.. deep and thoughtful now. I just realized that I will probably spend the rest of my life like that, wondering what grass on the other side feels like unless I manage to keep my eyes focused on the task at hand, even if I'm a million miles away from home.

And on another note, Happy Birthday Mummy! :) I love you to bits and pieces!! <3

Going by faith,

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